Migration from Play! Framework 2.5.x to 2.6.x

Check original Play! Framework migration documentation first:

Maven-related changes

a) change Play! version from




b) add dependency (unless compile-time or other dependency injection framework used)


c) optionally change HTTP server from play-netty-server


to play-akka-http-server


Previously only play-netty-server was available. Now play-akka-http-server is available and is used by default in SBT.

d) if using Java forms, add dependency (previously it was part of Play! Java module)


and optionally configure additional template imports

                    <templateAdditionalImports>play.data._ play.core.j.PlayFormsMagicForJava._</templateAdditionalImports>

e) if using Java JPA, upgrade Hibernate version to 5.x (e.g. 5.2.10.Final)

f) if using Ebean, upgrade play-ebean dependency version to 4.0.2

This will require some changes in model classes, e.g.: